STAMP Out Non-Union Work!
Get Your Work NOTICED!
Have Your Work STAMPED!
Look at What You Install - It Could Be an Organizing Drive in Disguise
Wouldn't you like your fellow carpenters to enjoy the same benefits that you get from Carpenters Local 252 membership? You can help that happen. Just "check the label whenever you're able."
Our United Brotherhood of Carpenters label (pictured above) appears only on items made in union shops under contracts that fully meet area standards. More than 700 approved users apply it to products as a symbol of quality and well-treated workers.
That's why the UBC Constitution carefully defines its use and vigorously protects its copyright.
"We want the cabinets and fixtures and exhibits we install to be produced in UBC shops," says General Vice President Douglas Banes, who oversees the label's use, "by workers who enjoy the same UBC protections our carpenters have on the jobsite."
When you are assembling raw materials or components from an outside supplier, check them for the union label. In most cases the sticker or stamp appears right on the products.
If you don't find the label, report it to your Council Representative. The rep will contact the Local Union near the manufacturer to find out if the plant or shop is under union contract. If not, the local can reach out and try to organize it.
By checking for the label, and reporting its absence to your rep or business agent, you'll give your Brotherhood a chance to bring UBC benefits to the unorganized men and women whose labor produced that very door or exhibit or cabinet you're handling. You'll be helping your fellow carpenters, and you'll also be helping your union grow stronger.